What we offer here at Dr. Ticen's Chiropractic office & Massage Clinic

We offer Dr. Ticen’s alternative chiropractic and health care and economical massage to the public at $65 per hour or 2 massages for $89 all from certified massage therapists. 

Dr. Ticen offers a wide array of alternative natural healing systems and a wide array of different healing modalities.  His chiropractic adjusting takes advantage of drop table, blocking techniques, activator instruments, vibrators, percussion instruments plus traditional osseous adjustments.   He uses different treatment modalities such as laser, micro-currents, muscle stimulation, mechanical traction, and diathermy heat depending on the need of his patients. Dr. Ticen’s diagnostics analysis includes:  orthopedic and neurological examinations, muscle testing and acupressure. The first visit consists of an initial consultation and history of dis-comfort and an examination followed by a chiropractic treatment that same visit.  Follow up treatments if needed consist of additional analysis and corresponding treatment.  Dr. Ticen’s motto is:  keep it simple and inexpensive to start with.  If simple adjusting is not enough then muscle tests and checking acupuncture points is used to ascertain what is hindering the patient’s recovery.   Once the cause of the problem is found then additional treatments with different modalities and health suggestions may be initiated.  In addition to regular adjusting treatments and modalities, herbals, vitamins/minerals, exercise and orthopedic supports are the most common items that are suggested to help the patient bring about a rapid return to health. 

View our video to learn all about our services at Calistoga Massage & Chiropractic in Santa Rosa Ca

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Calistoga Massage offers $65/1 hr massage
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